Well, another day has past and I'm still trying to figure it out. What, you ask? Life!
Now I know that doesn't put me in some exclusive category of rare individuals, but I'm serious guys...some days I feel lost. I've been told that I'm a step ahead of most folks in that I have discovered that which makes me happier than a fly on shit. PHOTOGRAPHY...but the question still remains of how to create a sustainable income with that passion. The catch of course is how to accomplish this without losing the purity, and sheer enjoyment factor in the process. I will continue to wrestle with this idea. All the while I will continue to strive to be a better person, husband and father. My plans for this blog is to provide images for others to enjoy, despise, or covet. I hope that through talking about my work, my motivations for shooting, as well as my feelings about the finished image, that i will develop a more pronounced understanding of who I am as a photographer, and how to find my audience and exploit it relentlessly until I have created a brand that I am proud of.
Yo Greg, you are ahead of the game. Keep pressing!