Here in Chicago there are emergency snow routes, scheduled snow clearing times, no parking here, 20 min. parking there, No parking here before 7a.m. or after 8a.m., and so on. So many signs, that singularly, are very clear in their direction, but the sheer number and placement of these signs truly requires you to stay on your P's and Q's when deciding to park your car. The enforcers act quickly. Ticketing your car without a trace. Some drive old post office jeeps (you know with the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car), hanging out the window, catching folks sleeping with their awful pieces of paper.
The worst of the enforcers is THE SNOW PLOW...It's a big, intimidating monster truck of a vehicle, with a shovel way out front, and lights everywhere. These trucks drive so damn fast it's scary! They figure that since they're making the streets better for the rest of us, it gives them license to drive like maniacs!! I'll admit these trucks are very good at what they do. They quickly and unwaveringly move up and down the streets throwing the slippery/snowy mess off to the right and dropping the salty mix behind ... They fear no legal recourse. Pedestrians, cyclers, babies in strollers, dogs ... beware. You'll be standing there wet and salty faced. Anyway, back to the car...This car probably was parked here for two days straight. I know that the Snow Plow operators got as close as they could to this car. Sealing it in an ice tomb. But just imagine walking outside, late for work and this is the scene. You probably aren't dressed for the then necessary task of shoveling out your vehicle.
But this is life ... have no pity for the vehicle owner!! DON"T GET CAUGHT SLEEPING!! Do what it is you're supposed to do, everyday...Not according to local laws and jurisdictions, but according to your own internal motivators. Life moves doesn't slow down when you get tired. You will get bogged down if you don't hustle. Please heed my words while joining me on my quest to not get caught sleepin' in 2009!
i love this! making pop in 2009.